What is it about being in the great out doors that just calms a man? I recently spent a little time on the Appalachian trail, a little stretch in western Virginia. The goal of the hike was to make it to Spy Rock. It was a great view and I made a new friend while in the wild.
I know why I love to camp. I am a loner. I like to be out doors and not see anyone for a while. The easiest way to ruin a camping trip for me is to show up. Once while out in the Ocala Forest I did my best to avoid human contact. I heard a few voices in the distance and saw a few shoe prints but that was it. Mission accomplished. Another time I came across a man wearing only jean shorts and carrying a jug full of local berries. He said he had been out there three months and asked if I was planning to stay at my camp a week or more. I loved the idea but societal pressure was forcing me back the next day.
Senses are heightened out in the wilderness; hearing improved, vision crisper. I feel alive. Despite these physical changes and isolation, I still don't know what it is about that call that I hear.
After a short taste of the Trail, it is all I can think about and I want to go back and spend a lot more time making friends that dont talk so much. (insert picture below of my wild dog)