Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hard work paying off

I am glad to announce that the efforts of the last ten years with more ups and downs than a roller coaster at Magic Mountain, The Collectors is out for sale on Kindle. The publisher, Forker Media, assures me it will be coming soon to Nook and other ebook sellers.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Long Days wrenched with transitions...

    So my trip from Florida to Virginia was filled with much more than empty mansions and hidden cross road towns. Though I could not get enough of that. It was my first trip through the south that was not Florida south.
    A high light of the trip came when I came face to face with a wild wolf while camping outside Black Mountain NC. It came with a howl, then a second that was much closer. Minutes later I was on my way back to camp walking up the gravel road when a lone wolf came trotting down the road.
    I froze and he froze. We matched eyes. I refused to accept it was wild wolf until it backed up and trotted off the road. When I lost sight of it I called out to my friend to get the Jeep and come pick me up. I was not willing to risk walking past where the wolf ducked into the dark forest. (Did I mention it was nearly night)
   Now that I got that off my chest, these last few weeks have been crazy. I've been working with my recent publisher, Forker Media, to bring to you The Collectors. We are working on a release date before the end of the month. I had no idea how much goes into publishing a book. It is all in the details. Email after email, back and forth to get the cover right and the edits right and contracts signed.
   I have been published a few times before. Division Six has been out almost two years now. I linked here to Wowio, but it is available on several other sellers' sights. So point is I've jumped through publisher's hoops. The Fringe Majority published Division Six and that was a great experience as well. I was very pleased with the cover art and the level of input the asked of me.
   The Collectors is a neo noir venture between my friend Jorge and I. (You can find out more about us at sastrewagnerproductions It was not a fit for Fringe and I was solicited by the guys at Forker so I am entrusting it with them as their debut novel.